
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Leaves reflecting all of Life

Greetings, Lovers of the Green,

at your doorstep
a vibrant green world
leaves reflecting all of life.
motherwort chanteuse,
rhubarb giantess,
steadfast fir,
womanly rose,
mother of all...cleavers
nourishment avails herself

May it be in beauty.

With delight I offer shamanic teaching of plant and earth.

I look forward to when you will join me for one of these offerings.

Green Blessings,

Crow's Laughter Mystery School ~ Spring and Summer
Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeships, Classes and One to One Teachings
Please call or email us anytime for more information about any of these offerings and to request an apprenticeship application. We would love to hear from you.
And visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com

Our Apprenticeships:

Awaken the Wise Woman!

Residential Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program of Women
An incredible opportunity to immerse yourself the nourishing and healing ways of the plants! Learn to live as a wise woman and craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices and connect with your sisters on this path. We had an amazing time last year with this program. I encourage you to participate in both programs this year. This will give you an opportunity to connect with the plants during different times in the growing season. The wild roses will be blooming in May-June and during August, the harvest will be lusciously apparent. Teens Welcome.
13 days ~ May 31 to June 12 ~ $1000
9 days ~ August 10-18 ~ $700
$1540 for both programs
Price includes teachings, meals, camping accomodations, many herbs for crafting and much more.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next sessions start September 14th and January 25, 2008, we meet on Fridays.
We have begun this incredible program! It is truly amazing to share these teaching of the plants and earth.
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions. This program is an opportunity for all women including teens to step fully into the life you desire with health, wholeness and holiness. Call or email to request an application and meeting.

Our Classes

Herbal Wisdom Circle

Monthly on Saturdays

May 19, 2007 ~ 10:30-2:30
"The Journey of the Rose"

From thorny briar to delicate beauty, discover how rose mirrors all aspects of being human. The Wild Roses on our land will soon be blooming. We will spend time with them, listening, making some herbal preparations and acquainting ourselves with their mysteries.

Also, learn how roses support the immune system, nervous system, kidneys and their precious connection with women. Herbal Wisdom Circle is open to women and men, adults and teens
Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch.
$60 ~ 3 months for $150
Register on our website

Next circles ~ June 9th and July 14th

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays in Seattle ~ June 6th
Last Wednesdays on Whidbey Island ~ May 30th

Come gather at the Well. Replenish, renew,
connect, reflect. Discover Wise Woman Ways and the treasured
gifts within you.
Register on our website

Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ May 16th ~ 6:30 pm
Come join me in Sacred Space.
My home and land are open to you, between 6:30 and 9:30 pm. You are welcome to come anytime during this 3 hours. We will be gathering for food the first hour and then cleaning up. If you would like to eat, please come during that time.
If we are in circle with talking stick or ritual, please enter in silence and join us.
Please bring...
Any ideas, songs, stories, poetry to share. Tarot decks or other oracles with which
To imagine your future. We will co-create the space together. If ritual is desired we will create it. I will invite you into the circle with talking stick at some time in the evening.
If you desire...
Just come and connect, Listen deeply, Walk on the land.
Share with others, Do nothing,
These things are welcome.
This space is created to honor the blood mysteries,
The ancient temple of women's womb stories
Moms and girl children of all ages are welcome.
Boy children under two or breast feeding are welcome.
Pre-registration is required so please call ahead to reserve a space.
Directions will be spent upon registration.

More dates...
June 14th
July 14th
August 12th
September 11th
October 10th
November 9th
December 9th

Lunar Sabbats
July 29th~ Lunar Lammas
November 9th~ Lunar Samhain

Classes for Children

Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship for Girls
July 16-19th ~ 10-2:00 ~ $225 ~ Pre-registration is required
This is a delightful program...girls will be learning about the healing ways of plants, through listening, herbal crafting and organic gardening.
Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.
Call or email and we will send you our information and registration letter.

Awaken the Wise Woman! Apprenticeship Weekend for Girls 10-13

July 27-29th ~ $275 ~ Pre-registration is required

Includes camping accomodations, all meals and herbal crafting supplies.
Girls will be learning the way of the wise woman through herbal crafting,
shamanic listening exercises and organic gardening. This program is an opportunity for girls to connect deeply with their true natures and learn to step into the world as powerful young women. Call or email and we will send you an application for this program.

Children of the Earth ~ Herbal Day Camp for 5-8 year old
July 10-12th ~ 110-1:00 ~ $125 ~ Pre-registration is required
Children will be exploring organic gardening and permaculture technique and learning about the healing herbs in our big, beautiful garden and on the land. Includes healthy snack and all herbal crafting supplies.

Classes in Seattle and around Puget Sound:

Bastyr Herb and Food Fair ~ June 2nd ~ 10-5 pm
Free Event! I will be selling my Nourishing Herbal Creations and
I will be leading an Herb Walk at 11:00 am
Visit www.bastyr.edu for the schedule of events and directions

Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk
July 18th ~ 6:30-8:30 pm
Lichton Springs Park, North Seattle
Offered through North Seattle Community College
To register visit www.learnatnorth.com

A Walk with Plant Families
Wednesday, July 25th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center

Healing Salves from Garden Herbs
Tuesday, August 14th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center

You can register for these classes at the UW Women's Center by mail or fax.
You can go to their website and download the current catalog of classes and registration form.
For more information call 206-685-1090.

Celebrating Spirit in Community with Plants
An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
Offered through the Women of Wisdom Foundaton
For more information visit www.womenofwisdom.org/online/

Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing One to One
Julie is now available for one to one consultations which may include shamanic healing such as power animal retrieval, soul retrieval and shamanic extraction, shamanic exercises and discussions about herbs and foods that may support your well-being. We will structure our time to fit your needs. Please visit www.crowsdaughter.com/wise-woman-teachings.html
for more information about these teachings. $30-$60 sliding scale

Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods
We have been creating nourishing herbal products for over a decade.
You can shop for our hand-crafted, healing products on our website.


For information on any of these programs please Email Us and let us know you wish to be on our email list. We send out updates regularly and a beautiful seasonal newsletter.

Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
Nourishment~Common Herbs~Wise Woman Ways

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