Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
I walk in the garden and listen this morning
To the sounds of Autumn
A few pink catnip flowers whisper
Tomatoes pray for a bit more sun
Pumpkin leaves faded to yellow
Prepare for ripening fruit
Crow wings overhead
Cawing, cawing
A little nettle sprout determined to continue
After a strong weeding
Clover happy and content to bloom
As long as possible
Comfrey steadfast and vibrant still
Reminds me about her constant medicine
Burdock leaves beckon me to imagine
Their gigantic roots.
Bright fuchsia dahlias are
The entrance to the underworld
Apple hanging heavy and desiring
The cauldron
The shape of a goddess garden emerges
From an ancient psyche
Persephone calls us to seek
The treasures of the dark maiden
May it be in Beauty.
Crow's Laughter Mystery School has many offerings this fall.
We invite you to join us in exploring the deep teachings of the Wise Woman Tradition.
Feel free to call or email anytime to find out more about all of our offerings and visit
our website
360-579-2319 ~

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begins January 25, 2008
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions.This apprenticeship program is a potent and powerful journey into the true nature of life. When you choose this work you choose to deeply nourish all of yourself. When you join us, you are called upon to craft an apprenticeship with the plants and the Earth.
Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ 13 month program
Herbal Wisdom Circle is a potent and powerful connection with the plants,
the Earth and all of life.
This 13-month course includes 12 sessions held monthly on Saturdays,
from 10:30-2:30 and one weekend intensive.
These sessions are held at our beautiful farm on South Whidbey Island
A delicious whole and wild food lunch is included.
This is an open circle. Participants may join us at anytime and continue for 13 months.
The themes and topics we explore are seasonal and crafted with participants needs and desires in mind.
This program is an opportunity to study the deeper teachings of the earth and plants first hand.
The cost is $675.
Payment plans are available.
We also welcome participants on a monthly basis.
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ October 13th
October's Theme: Fruits of Passion
Register online for Herbal Wisdom Circle

"The Well"~ A Women Study Group ~ October 3, 2007 ~ 7-9 pm
Seattle ~ First Wednesdays
We are thrilled to offer this group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us. Our new location will be in Shoreline at the home of Jennifer Sundstrom.
October's Theme: Persephone's Gift, Come take a journey to the Underworld to meet Persephone and learn of the gifts she can offer us as we move into the dark time of year.
$30 ~ 4 months for $100.
Register on our website~

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Days for Girls ~ September 29 and November 3, 2007 10:30-2:30 ~ Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover your plant ally and learn to listen and talk to plants. $60 per day or $105 for both days. Pre-registration is required. Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.
Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ October 10, 2007
Come join us for a nourishing supper, talking stick and simple ritual.
Come and just be. $10 ~ reservations are required by Tuesday October 9th.
If you lack access to resources pay what you can. If you have an abundance of resources you are welcome to pay more. This will be our last Dark of the Moon Lodge for 2007.

Healing Salves from Garden Herbs ~ October 6th ~ 10:30-12:30
UW Women's Center and Medicinal Herb Garden
Come join Julie Charette Nunn, local herbalist for this hand-on class that explores the healing herbs you can grow and craft into wonderful healing salves. This class will take place in the beautiful UW medicinal herb garden where we will see first hand the medicinal herbs that make great salves. We will make herbal salve which you can take home. $25 ~ $5 supply fee
The Nourishing Herbs ~ October 17, 2007 ~ 7:00-9:00 pm
UW Women's Center
Come discover herbs you can use daily to increase well being. Learn simple techniques for growing and preparing these herbs that you can easily do at home. Learn an amazing way to look at healing that supports optimum health. Experience a simple exercise to connect you with your body’s wisdom. You will sample nourishing herbal infusion and make nourishing herbal vinegar to take home. $25 ~ $5 supply fee
Wild Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk ~ Magnusson Park, Seattle ~ October 7th 10-12 pm ~ Come join me right in the middle of the city to explore the wild plants that can be used for food and medicine. Discover weeds that make great salad greens, trees that heal the heart and ease muscle pain and learn about simple herbal preparations you can make in your kitchen. Julie is an herbalist and teacher from Whdibey Island that love to introduce people to plants. We will meet at Magnusson Park. To register visit

I look forward to our future connections.
Green Blessings,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter