my life blood flowed through me like a dream
subtle life force energy transformed into vital life force energy in an instance
“a slight miscalculation at joyful moment” and a slide down carpeted stairs
distorted ankle, broken ankle
my own hands guided by the mystery put my foot back in place
more hands that heal brought the life force back into my body
and with that excrutiationg pain
“Life’s Blood, Life Force”

hands and hearts that heal come from every direction
and gratitude for gratitude is offered
inside too long, I call a meeting of my closest allies
I ask for help in finding a way outside
to my yard
to my garden
and the Green

spring is becoming a ritual for me
things that I took for granted
are much hard work now
a rebirth is taking place now within me as I move
closer than ever to what is essential
in each moment
stillness is now in my awareness
resting, revitalizing and then voicing
with every breath
the present moment
May it be in Beauty
Crow’s Laughter Mystery School Offering for Spring 2008:
Permaculture Weekend on Whidbey with Marisha Auerbach
April 11-13 ~ I am excited to learn more permaculture techniques and invite you to come learn with me. Visit our website for more details and to register.
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
March 29, 10:30-2:30
Also, May 3
Earth Celebration ~ Spring Equinox
March 30, 1-4 pm
Come join us for a seasonal ceremony and community potluck.
This event is free and open to everyone. Children are welcome.
RSVP julie@crowsdaughter.com or 360-579-2319
The Well ~ Study Group for Women
April's Theme: Nurturing Presence ~ April , 7-9 pm
North Seattle~ First Wednesdays~ April 2, May 7, June 4
Visit our website for more info and to register
Dark of the Moon Lodge
April 5 ~ 6:30 pm
This month we will have a potluck and co-created ritual.
RSVP by April 4
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session starts May 9, 2008
Women and Plants ~ Open Day ~ April 18, 2008
We are opening our apprenticeship program for a day for 13 women to discover and beauty and mystery of devoting a year and a half to learning wise woman ways and nourishing yourself fully. Come join us. For more information and to register for this day visit: www.crowsdaughter.com/herbal-apprenticeships
Herbal Wisdom Circle
April 19 ~ 10:30-2:30April's Theme: Herbal Rhythms~Herbal Tonics
Visit our website for more info and to register
Shamanic Arts and Herbalism at East West Bookshop
April 23, 7-8:30 pm ~ Visit East West Bookshop online to
find out more and call 206-523-3726 to register.
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ A 13 month Home Study Course
Coming very soon.
The Journey of the Rose ~ A Weekend Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
June 13-15, 2008 ~ Visit our website to find out more and to register
Tantric Dance of the Divine Feminine
A Year and a Day program with Kathy Kali
Begin May 18 in Seattle www.tantricdance.org
Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing~ One to One
Most Read
- I am sure I am headed into the mystery again.
- The Green Teachings of the Fairies
- Weaving the Green
- I am the Hawk, Soaring Over the Land
- I could actually say I am in love with the taste of wild rose honey.
- Compassionate Wisdom and the Plants in their Fullness
- Bring into the World, That Beautiful Idea
- Love and Beauty at my Doorstep
- i listen
- In Your True Tongue
- Moving Forward with Intention~September 11