Some links to excellent free online material for herbal research, historical exploration, or just hours of gazing at full-resolution botanical illustrations...
Current Herbal
Current Herbal
Free access to a database of over 200 medicinal herbs with complete links to relevant research, categorized by pharmacological, in-vivo, and human trials. Extensive referencing and links.
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants - Volume 1
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants - Volume 2
Select from a wide range of plants, based on edible, medicinal, and agricultural uses. Extensively referenced.
Paul Bergner's searchable online archive of newsletter articles pertaining to specific items in the Materia Medica.
A searchable database of plants providing chemical
constituents, cross-linked with the actions of said chemicals. An
interesting exploration of phytochemistry.
Extensive database providing information on plant distribution and taxonomy. Also describes commercial and ecological uses, and reports on endangered status. Extensive links and photos for most plants.
Classic Herbal
Henriette's Herbal Homepage
Massive online library that includes many older N. American texts, but also an extensive collection of the best of online herbal questions posted to Usenet, and thousands of pictures by Henriette.
The classic 1931 text that covers a wide array of medicinal plants, includes rudimentary chemical analysis, extensive preparation notes, and medicinal activity for each plant.
Medical Historical Library: Electronic Texts in the History of Medicine
A variety of classic European texts scanned into images, usually with browsable indexes. Includes a full copy of Fuch's 1544 herbal, extensively illustrated.
Over 130 rare and classic herbal and botanical works. Incredible full-resolution pages, many containing stunning botanical illustrations.
Medical Reference
THE MERCK MANUAL MEDICAL LIBRARY: The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Professional version of the manual of human disease, including mainline conventional treatment and medications used.
Professional reference, most extensive and up-to-date, for conventional medicine, diseases and diagnoses, and medications used.
Nutrition facts, calories in food, labels, nutritional information and analysis –
Specific nutritional information on almost any food or prepared product. Portion sizes, conversions, and cross-references.