
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Close to Home

I have been quite close to home the last seven weeks.
I have been watching from my window as the apple tree plumps and grows leaf and flower buds.
I have watched the nettle grow thick and vibrant and now begin its flowering.
I have watched the garden fill with dandelion flowers, grass, red dock, buttercup, poppies, lemon balm, roses, strawberries, mint, violet, calendula, bok choy, red clover, garlic, shallots, valerian, yarrow, St. Joan’s Wort, cronewort, tulips, english daisies, nettle...
I have witnessed the beginning of the oatstraw goddess garden with poppies leaves at her head and around her yoni.

In my trips to the garden, I sit on a chair and watch the plants, notice things I wouldn’t have before, sitting in one place.
I broke my ankle about 7 weeks ago. I then had surgery to set it, insert screws and a metal plate. I slipped down some stairs at the Center of the Universe.
In the last seven weeks, I have learned a great deal about how healing happens. I have discovered more of myself. I have gained a beginner’s understanding of presence and stillness.

And I am so thankful for this situation. This may seem rather odd to some of you. I didn’t intend to be thankful that I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle. I didn’t try to conjure gratitude from resentment and frustration, grief and anxiety. I actually have checked in a number of times to ask myself, “What am I feeling?”
Sometimes the answer is “trapped”, sometimes “utterly frustrated”, often “angry” or “sad”...but underneath all of these feelings is a foundation of gratitude.
I feel that I have been given something. I feel that this life circumstance has offered me an opportunity to “stop” and “look both ways” before continuing. Which way do I wish to journey now?

I am wondering now if one of the gifts of this ‘reorganization” is to spend a great deal of time at home. I have discovered that what I need on a daily basis is right before me. My beloved husband is here to help with daily well being chores, with songs and even with challenges to see what I can do myself. Family is here to take care of me, encourage me and provide entertainment. Friends, neighbors and colleagues are here to offer healing prayers, healthy intentions and nourishing food. Nourishing Herbal Infusions are here to bring bone building and healing minerals to my body as it reorganizes. Motherwort tincture is here to soothe my anxiety, help me relax and know that I am held in this healing time. My apprentice is here to take on more responsibility and thus deepen her studies. The Douglas Fir trees are here to be guardians of my true path, encouraging me to continue my work, offering an opportunity for me to follow more fully the teachings I have been offering.
I will go to Seattle tomorrow and they will saw off the bright green cast on my left ankle/leg and I will step onto the ground again with both feet.
I feel a gentleness for myself as I think ahead about this.
I wish to now journey on the path that leads me home.
May it be in Beauty.

Crow’s Laughter Mystery School Offering for late Spring and Summer 2008
To get details information about any of the following programs visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com, call 360-579-2319 or email julie@crowsdaughter.com

We are delighted to be offering...
The Journey of the Rose~ A Weekend Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism,
June 13-15,
this weekend will offer the shamanic teachings of the plants with Rose as our teacher, the sensuous crafting of wild rose honey and other rose preparations, a plentitude of information about working with the healing plants at your doorstep, gourmet, nourishing meals all made from scratch from local, whole, organic and wild foods, ceremony to integrate the teachings and good company. Sign up by May 19th to receive the early bird price.

We have now launched our...
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~13-Month Home Study Course,
You can participate in this from anywhere in the world. Visit the home page of our website for more info and to register. Email us to request a sample lesson.

May 2008 Offerings:
May 3 ~ Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls ~ 10:30-2:30
May 3 ~ Dark of the Moon Lodge, 6:30 pm, our farm
May 7 ~ The Well ~ Study Group for Women, 7-9 pm, Shoreline
May 9 ~ New Session Begins ~ Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
May 10 ~ Kindling Enchantment Earth Celebration at 1 pm, Free Herbal Class at 11 am and Community Potluck. This event is free and open to everyone.
May 17 ~ Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ May’s Theme: Leaves and Life Force, 10:30-2:30
May 31 ~ 10th Annual Bastyr Herb and Food Fair in Kenmore, WA, I will be selling my nourishing herbal products.

June 2008 Offerings:
June 4 ~ The Well ~ Study Group for Women
June 7 ~ Dark of the Moon Lodge, 6:30 pm
June 13-15 ~ The Journey of the Rose ~ Weekend Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
June 21 ~ Summer Solstice Earth Celebration and Community Potluck
June 27-29 ~ The Fairy Congress, My class: Fairy Blessings and Plant Beings

July 2008 Offerings:
July 2 ~ The Well ~ Study Group for Women ~ New Moon
July 7-10 ~ Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship for Girls, 10:30-2:30
July 9 ~ American Herbalist Guild Plant Walk at UW Medicinal Garden
July 11 ~ Open Day for Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
July 12 ~ Herbal Wisdom Circle
July 16 ~ Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk at Golden Gardens through NSCC
July 18-20 ~ Awaken the Wise Woman for Girls 10-13
July 23 ~ Julie leaves for Glastonbury, England

August 2008 Offerings:
August 4 ~ Julie return from England
August 6 ~ The Well ~ Women’s Study Group
August 7 ~ A Healthy Gut, class at NSCC
August 9 ~ Herbal Wisdom Circle
August 10 ~ Passionate Abundance Earth Celebration and Community Potluck
August 30 ~ Dark of the Moon Lodge

September 2008 Offerings:
September 3 ~ The Well ~ Women’s Study Group, Shoreline
September 4-7 ~ Breitenbush Herbal Conference
September 12 ~ New Session Starts, Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
September 20 ~ Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ 13 month program begins
September 21 ~ Autumn Equinox Earth Celebration and Community Potluck

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