Greetings, Lovers of the Green,
I have learned quite a bit from standing under our Gravenstein Apple Tree. She is a stately home for many birds and insects. She wears garlands of pink blossoms in spring and in Autumn her fruit offers deep nourishment.
Apple is the guardian of the gateway to the underworld, her fruit an offering to the Dark Goddess. We took our first step into the underworld at Autumn Equinox. We are now on the inward journey to our source and center. What will we cast off? What belongings are too heavy to carry on this journey? What will we bring along? What strengths and gifts will nurture this dark journey? And who will be our helpers?
I used to have a difficult time in fall. I carried a great deal of emotional baggage. I felt sorrow for myself as the season’s turned toward the dark. That is when I discovered Persephone. This dark maiden has helped me navigate the inner realms, teaching me how to feel deeply so that I don’t need to carry so much on my back.
I offer Persephone an apple. She in turn offers me a necklace. Persephone tells me that this necklace will help me find my inner treasures. Each time I encounter a difficulty, return and connect to the necklace of jewels and see this hardship as a treasured gift. As I walk the inner spiral, I encounter many beings. Persephone teaches me that they are here for me for a reason. She says, imagine a mirror held up as you encounter each being. Look into the mirror and ask, “Who am I?”

The gift of apple is an initiation. When we acknowledge and embody the act of nourishng ourselves, we can fully incorporate its gifts. Apple increases the vibration of the inner realms. She stimulates our cells into vibrant aliveness. Connecting, listening, harvesting, crafting and eating apple will set these vibrations in motion so that you may fully experience this journey through the inner realms.
A shamanic exercise with Apple to increase vibration:
I have learned quite a bit from standing under our Gravenstein Apple Tree. She is a stately home for many birds and insects. She wears garlands of pink blossoms in spring and in Autumn her fruit offers deep nourishment.
Apple is the guardian of the gateway to the underworld, her fruit an offering to the Dark Goddess. We took our first step into the underworld at Autumn Equinox. We are now on the inward journey to our source and center. What will we cast off? What belongings are too heavy to carry on this journey? What will we bring along? What strengths and gifts will nurture this dark journey? And who will be our helpers?
I used to have a difficult time in fall. I carried a great deal of emotional baggage. I felt sorrow for myself as the season’s turned toward the dark. That is when I discovered Persephone. This dark maiden has helped me navigate the inner realms, teaching me how to feel deeply so that I don’t need to carry so much on my back.
I offer Persephone an apple. She in turn offers me a necklace. Persephone tells me that this necklace will help me find my inner treasures. Each time I encounter a difficulty, return and connect to the necklace of jewels and see this hardship as a treasured gift. As I walk the inner spiral, I encounter many beings. Persephone teaches me that they are here for me for a reason. She says, imagine a mirror held up as you encounter each being. Look into the mirror and ask, “Who am I?”

The gift of apple is an initiation. When we acknowledge and embody the act of nourishng ourselves, we can fully incorporate its gifts. Apple increases the vibration of the inner realms. She stimulates our cells into vibrant aliveness. Connecting, listening, harvesting, crafting and eating apple will set these vibrations in motion so that you may fully experience this journey through the inner realms.
A shamanic exercise with Apple to increase vibration:
- Find a favorite apple tree.
- Put your hand on her trunk.
- Notice your breath and breathe in and out three times.
- Now as you breathe imagine the breathe, the oxygen of this apple tree filling your lungs.
- Breathe out and offer your breath to apple tree.
- Do this 7 times or more.
- Ask apple tree, “What have you for me?”
- Listen.
- Harvest apple, asking permission before you do and offering gratitude when you are complete.
- Cut up apples and cook them in a heavy pot with a lid. Put just a little bit of water in the bottom so they won’t burn. Don’t peel the apples as this removes the vibrancy.
- Stir often. Smell the aroma of apples and again breathe this into your lungs and breathe out offering your breath. Again ask, “What have you for me? and listen.
- Now eat the cooked apples and once again breathe in the vibration of the apples and breathe out offering. And again ask, “What have you for me? and listen. Allow your vibrancy to expand as you eat apple.
- Offer Gratitude for this whole and holy nourishment.
May it be in Beauty.
Crow’s Laughter Mystery School Offerings for Fall and Winter 2008 into 2009: Please call or email us any time for more information, 360-579-2319, julie@crowsdaughter.com and visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com
13 Months of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ We have extended our enrollment period!
You can sign up and begin October 11, 2008 ~ Come join a vibrant circle of lovers of the green world and her teachings. Plants as Teachers is the focus for this 13 month spiral of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ October’s Teacher ~ Burdock ~ October 11, 2008 We meet monthly on Saturdays ~ 10:30-2:30 ~ at our farm on South Whidbey Island.
Includes 4 seasonal one to one sessions and 25% off our other classes ~ $925 or $81 a month
A delicious whole and wild, local and organic lunch and herbs for crafting are provided.
To register call 360.579.2319 or email julie@crowsdaughter.com This is an open circle. You can also come to one or as many circles as you like. Next circles ~ October 11, November 15, December 13

Earth Mysteries Weekend ~ Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism November 1-2, 2008 ~ This time of year, the Earth above ground, appears to be sleeping, to be dormant. What is really happening is below the ground and in the subtle bodies of the Earth. What stirs is deep within us. Come join us and discover the deep nourishment that comes from connecting with the Earth Mysteries. On our first day, shamanic listening exercises will be offered to connect with the roots and our rootness. We will be digging, harvesting and crafting herbal preparatons with roots here at our farm. After dark, the community is invited to gather for supper and a ritual to Honor Our Ancestors. When this is complete, we will gather together to journey to Bone Woman and the Land of the Dead to receive messages from The Ancestors. On our second day, you will journey to meet your center and gather stories of deep personal transformation. The common weeds will be teaching, guiding and nourishing you in this process. This weekend will be filled with deep work, soulful, creative, connection and compassionate community.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Open Day ~ October 3, 2008 ~ Next session begins, January 16, 2009
A rare opportunity to connect with the common plants and the spirits of the land on beautiful South Whidbey Island and around the Puget Sound area, to listen deeply to your surroundings and your own inner yearnings and gather the bounty of the Earth.

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism ~ 13 monthly lesson, 9 seasonal lessons.
Connect, listen, gather and craft herbs at your doorstep ~ Start anytime.
Dark of the Moon ~ September 27 ~ 6:30 pm A nourishing supper, talking stick and co-created ritual are offered at our farm on Whidbey Island. RSVP by Friday, September 26
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women ~ First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm In North Seattle ~ October 1, November 5, December 3 and more.
October’s Theme: The Treasured Gifts Within Us
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls, 8-13~October 4 and November 8 Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover your plant ally and learn to listen and talk to plants
Rooting Yourself in Earth ~ An Exploration in Shamanic Herbalism Dandelion Botanical in Seattle, Oct 7 Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. We will craft an herbal preparation together that you can take home. 5424 Ballard Ave. NW Suite 103 in Seattle, (local)206-545-8892 (toll-free) 1-877-778-4869
Plant Yourself Deeply ~ Explorations of the Wise Woman
East West Bookshop in Seattle ~ October 20 ~ 7-8:30 pm
East West Bookshop in Bothell ~ November 7 ~ 7:30-9 pm
Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the ancient shamanic tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. 206-523-3726, 1-800-587-6002

Shamanic Arts and Herbalism ~ October 22 ~ 7-9 pm
UW Women’s Center in Seattle ~ Come join Julie Charette Nunn local herbalist as she weaves together the ancient shamanic teachings of the plants with the sustainable gifts the plants offer us today for nourishment and healing. Discover ways you can connect, listen and heal yourself utilizing the plants in your own yard and community.
Take home an herbal preparation you made yourself. http://depts.washington.edu/womenctr/ For more information call 206-685-1090.
Honoring Our Ancestors ~ Earth Celebration
Time and Date to be announced soon.
Winter Solstice ~ Earth Celebration ~ December 20
For those in the Portland area, visit www.artemishealingarts.com where you will discover Artemis Institute. This is a project created by and for women to encourage community, education, and the healing arts. We offer affordable and accessible Women's Healing Arts courses which powerfully integrate the creative and healing arts. In each series, we share, listen, learn from elders, and create together in a supportive circle.
Crow’s Laughter Mystery School Offerings for Fall and Winter 2008 into 2009: Please call or email us any time for more information, 360-579-2319, julie@crowsdaughter.com and visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com
13 Months of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ We have extended our enrollment period!
You can sign up and begin October 11, 2008 ~ Come join a vibrant circle of lovers of the green world and her teachings. Plants as Teachers is the focus for this 13 month spiral of Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ October’s Teacher ~ Burdock ~ October 11, 2008 We meet monthly on Saturdays ~ 10:30-2:30 ~ at our farm on South Whidbey Island.
Includes 4 seasonal one to one sessions and 25% off our other classes ~ $925 or $81 a month
A delicious whole and wild, local and organic lunch and herbs for crafting are provided.
To register call 360.579.2319 or email julie@crowsdaughter.com This is an open circle. You can also come to one or as many circles as you like. Next circles ~ October 11, November 15, December 13

Earth Mysteries Weekend ~ Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism November 1-2, 2008 ~ This time of year, the Earth above ground, appears to be sleeping, to be dormant. What is really happening is below the ground and in the subtle bodies of the Earth. What stirs is deep within us. Come join us and discover the deep nourishment that comes from connecting with the Earth Mysteries. On our first day, shamanic listening exercises will be offered to connect with the roots and our rootness. We will be digging, harvesting and crafting herbal preparatons with roots here at our farm. After dark, the community is invited to gather for supper and a ritual to Honor Our Ancestors. When this is complete, we will gather together to journey to Bone Woman and the Land of the Dead to receive messages from The Ancestors. On our second day, you will journey to meet your center and gather stories of deep personal transformation. The common weeds will be teaching, guiding and nourishing you in this process. This weekend will be filled with deep work, soulful, creative, connection and compassionate community.

Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Open Day ~ October 3, 2008 ~ Next session begins, January 16, 2009
A rare opportunity to connect with the common plants and the spirits of the land on beautiful South Whidbey Island and around the Puget Sound area, to listen deeply to your surroundings and your own inner yearnings and gather the bounty of the Earth.

The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism ~ 13 monthly lesson, 9 seasonal lessons.
Connect, listen, gather and craft herbs at your doorstep ~ Start anytime.
Dark of the Moon ~ September 27 ~ 6:30 pm A nourishing supper, talking stick and co-created ritual are offered at our farm on Whidbey Island. RSVP by Friday, September 26
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women ~ First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm In North Seattle ~ October 1, November 5, December 3 and more.
October’s Theme: The Treasured Gifts Within Us
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls, 8-13~October 4 and November 8 Come explore the amazing healing way of plants, learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman, discover your plant ally and learn to listen and talk to plants
Rooting Yourself in Earth ~ An Exploration in Shamanic Herbalism Dandelion Botanical in Seattle, Oct 7 Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. We will craft an herbal preparation together that you can take home. 5424 Ballard Ave. NW Suite 103 in Seattle, (local)206-545-8892 (toll-free) 1-877-778-4869
Plant Yourself Deeply ~ Explorations of the Wise Woman
East West Bookshop in Seattle ~ October 20 ~ 7-8:30 pm
East West Bookshop in Bothell ~ November 7 ~ 7:30-9 pm
Come join Julie Charette Nunn, Crow’s Daughter and discover the ancient shamanic tradition of the wise woman. Experience shamanic listening practices that will connect you with your rootedness and the Earth Mysteries. Learn about the plants at your doorstep, who’s roots you can gather for nourishment and healing. 206-523-3726, 1-800-587-6002

Shamanic Arts and Herbalism ~ October 22 ~ 7-9 pm
UW Women’s Center in Seattle ~ Come join Julie Charette Nunn local herbalist as she weaves together the ancient shamanic teachings of the plants with the sustainable gifts the plants offer us today for nourishment and healing. Discover ways you can connect, listen and heal yourself utilizing the plants in your own yard and community.
Take home an herbal preparation you made yourself. http://depts.washington.edu/womenctr/ For more information call 206-685-1090.
Honoring Our Ancestors ~ Earth Celebration
Time and Date to be announced soon.
Winter Solstice ~ Earth Celebration ~ December 20
For those in the Portland area, visit www.artemishealingarts.com where you will discover Artemis Institute. This is a project created by and for women to encourage community, education, and the healing arts. We offer affordable and accessible Women's Healing Arts courses which powerfully integrate the creative and healing arts. In each series, we share, listen, learn from elders, and create together in a supportive circle.