I found comfrey. The leaves are yellow and green now with edges of brown heading toward earth. What I discovered when taking a second look, when breathing with these plants is the vibrancy of the comfrey roots. If I was to dig down into the soil around this plant I would find dark brown roots, mirroring earth so successfully that you can hardly distinguish them from it. Breaking open these roots I would find creamy white moistness that nourishes the skin, softening and healing it. These roots contain a substance that encourages replication of cells, allowing muscles, nerves, bones, and skins to heal rapidly. I won’t harvest here for a few more years. There is a place nearby with comfrey growing everywhere. I will harvest in January as I have done for the last three years.

Near the comfrey, the espalier apples are releasing their leaves one by one. Here I found Usnea lichen. This plant is a synergistic combination of an algae on the outside and a white fungus chord within. I won’t harvest this Usnea as it is quite small and sparse here on the trees. I will walk up into the deep forest to look for it. Wind brings down evergreen branches filled with Usnea. This plant kills bacteria that causes infections of all kinds. I find it most helpful as a remedy for sinus infection. Other people I know have utilized it for healing infections of teeth, bladder and skin infections. I find this plant to have strong and deep medicine and so would call upon it to offer advise for healing chronic conditions.
As I continued on the garden path, I came upon our large reclining stone. This stone was deep in the earth on our land until it was unearthed when our house was built. Growing close to its north facing base, I found Violet. The leaves are still quite vibrant and green. One purple flower, reminds me of that I may flower even in winter. I will pick some of these leaves for my salad. Violet is mineral rich, cool and moist. This plant is the most like me of any, I think. I will call upon my sister violet to nourish me during the winter months. I have planted some yellow violets under the center espalier tree. These I was invited to dig up in a place I used to live. My vision is to have violet growning all over the land here. Patience and persistance is needed in order to manifest visions. I can wait.
If I take the time to look and breathe when I walk outside, even if just for a little while, I find vibrancy, I find nourishment, I find healing at my doorstep.
May it be in Beauty.
Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering:
Call or email for more information and to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com
Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts on our Website
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.
Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening. I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home. 13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.
Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle starts January 13, 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.
Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.
Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~ December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.
More monthly classes in Seattle coming in 2009.
Also classes in Bellingham coming in 2009.
Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009
Call or email anytime to find out more, share your inspirations and request an apprenticeship application. 360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com
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