
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

May Pictures

Maples, Tulip, Basswoods, White Pines and Hawthorns

squirrels, mourning doves, bunnies, blue jays, robins and starlings

tulip tree flowers, valerian, honeysuckle, Julia Child rose, and the rose my daughter gave me last year:)

some of the different garden areas. the area with the birdbath has my honeysuckle, meadowsweet, parsley and lady’s mantle. the pond area has spiderwort, valerian, marshmallow, daylily, soapwort, honeysuckle bush, rose of sharon, weigla, and violets. and then pictures of how the veg garden is growing at my nephew and niece’s, Scott and Dawn, home.

Max and Ruby, the ducks


And Colin and Ariana tasting their first hawthorn leaves. Colin calls it his salad tree now:)

Well, I had so many things happen in May, especially with adopting Peppermint, I had not had a chance to share these pictures:)

Big hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages xx


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