
Monday, June 13, 2011


Tuberose(mexican tuberose) is called Rajanigandha in Hindi, Kundalei angouba in Manipuri, Gul shabbo in Urdu Gulcheri in Marathi, sukandaraji in Kannada, Nelasampengi  in Telugu and Nila Sampangi in Tamil. in Oriya we call  it Rajanigandha too.Its Botanical name is Polianthes tuberosa.
Rajanigandha means "The Fragrance of the Night". It is really a very fragrant flower. Tuberoses are a popular flower in floral arrangements and is very popularly used in marriage ceremonies, as floral ornament for the bride's chignon. Its scent is used to produce perfumes. They are however quite easy to grow.The flowers are pure white. Tuberoses thrive in airy and sunny place and bloom in late summer. They are excellent in the garden or in pots. Their tall stems (2-3 ft.) have grass-like foliage make them ideal for interplanting. 

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