
Friday, July 8, 2011

The Apothecary's Daughter( book) and Victorian Pharmacy (video)

I have such dear friends! Beautiful Debs turned me on to a great video series called Victorian Pharmacy:) Even if you just fancy history, but not so keen on medicinal, this series is for you! I harvested lemon balm and worked with it, while watching this series for hours last Saturday:) If you have ever wondered what sheep intestine condoms, fireworks, lead nipple shields, and plaisters have in common, this is a must watch for you! lol! I learned so many things and was thoroughly entertained and enthralled so I hope you can make time to enjoy it also, if you haven't already watched it:) You will find the full documentary at this link:)

 This series was timely in relations to the fact I had recently read a good book called The Apothecary's Daughter. This book was set in the Regency Era, so its historical references, such as the laws pertaining to an apothecary, are in the era before the Victorian Pharmacy. So you see, I was able to get a taste of the apothecary business in a sequential manner which was most helpful to be able to see the progression of ideas, culture trends, laws, medical advancements, marketing, women's issues and a whole host of other things that made me understand and appreciate the labor and dedication of this profession of apothecaries! The Apothecary's Daughter, by Julie Klassen, is a delightful read I think you will enjoy:) A bit of romance also! As usual I would write more, but 3 children here and two on the way! lol!

Big hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages! xx

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