
Friday, October 28, 2011

Fabulous Finds Friday

I thought it might be fun to start sharing some of my fabulous finds on Fridays

I found a lovely homesteading blog:) Lori’s Latest… and Other Tales from the Homestead. I love this banana chip recipe she shared! Yum! I adore banana chips but never had a great recipe before:)

Common Sense Homesteading is another fabulous blog:) Laurie shares about a variety of topics, including self sufficiency, homesteading, herbals, wonderful recipes, natural health and an array of other lovelies

Born in the Wrong Century rather says it all doesn’t it? Nichole has some really unique and great recipes in her index and her to make list!

ball dissolvable labels

I found these labels in one of the local stores, and I am in love! Always such a hassle to remove old labels when reusing jars. Now, simply wash away the old with water!

Another great find was this lovely Care2 network group: Green Apples, Green Gardens, Green Homes, Green is the Word! My lovely friend started the group as a place to share our ideas for greening our lives:) I invite you to come visit there and exchange thoughts and ideas!

I hope some of these things might be useful to you also:)

Big hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages! xxxx

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