
Monday, November 7, 2011

Fabulous Finds Friday

So it is Sunday instead of Friday, my bad:)

I love to have a healthy breakfast of using either quinoa, steel cut oats, or groats, but frankly, find it a nuisance to take the time to stand there and watch and stir the pot first thing in the morning, while trying to get things in order so I can dash out the door to tend Dylan and Ariana.  While looking for oat recipes this morning, I happened upon a way of cooking that is new to me, and I can see where I will be incorporating this method often from now on. Thermos Cooking! On the site you will find this is an energy efficient, and time saving manner in which to cook oats, millet, quinoa, pastas, and other things. I am sure I will be making the oats, quinoa, and groats methods often, and like the idea it is something I can do and take with me on the run if I am running late. Just adding whatever extras like dried fruits, cinnamon, honey, or milk, and I will have a power packed breakfast I can slurp on the run or wait and share with the children.

I decided to follow the steel cut oats recipe to see how I like it…

First I filled my thermos with boiling water. This makes your thermos hot so when you add the boiling cooking water, that water can actually start cooking your oats, not loosing heat energy on heating up the thermos… I left mine in the thermos about 5 minutes and then poured the water back into the teakettle and it only took a few seconds to bring it back to boil. I halved the recipe and used 1/2 cup of the steel cut oats and 1 and 3/4 cups of boiling water. Added all of this to the thermos and put it on its side and waited 40 minutes, shaking periodically as I passed by while doing other chores…



One perfectly cooked, fuss free bowl of oats for breakfast:)


The next thing I have to share comes from Elizabeth Gowing, who wrote the book, Travels in Blood and Honey; Becoming a Beekeeper in Kosovo. Honey Apple pie with honey pastry. Oh my!!! Follow the link for the recipes!

And speaking of apples… Sarah, of Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife, shared some luscious apple recipes on a recent post you will find at that link:)

One last link is to my friend Anke’s fab site Herbology. In this post she gives us several delectable cordial recipes and a wonderful natural cleaner recipe using lemons:)

Well I must dash, my brother Eric is hosting friends of ours from out of town and I want to go visit with them:) More fabulous finds later!

Big herbal and honey hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages 


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