4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
4th Bee Swarm, Rose Cutting Update and Birthdays!
It seems the honey worked well as the rooting medium I talked about earlier. It feels as if it is rooting and we have a bloom!
And look to the right. I found an European Ginger plant at a garden club sale. Anyone want to tell me about the care, growing and uses of this plant, I would appreciate it:)Last night we had a joint birthday party for my daughter Michelle, whose birthday was Saturday, and my grandson Breven, whose birthday was yesterday. He turned 11. Happy Birthday Breven! I love you! Sorry the pictures didn’t turn out too good:(
I made Michelle’s cake in the shape of a daisy, her favorite flower
Last night my husband Gerald brought me home flowers from a Catalpa tree! Aren’t they gorgeous? And heavenly scented! How sweet he is!
And today, I got a phone call about another swarm. This gentleman took my camera and took some pictures of me catching it! Gerald was home so he helped me by bringing the big ladder and steadying it for meAnd my hubby helping me! Glad he held the ladder as it was the tall one!
When I got the call to retrieve this swarm, I went to the bee house to get my equipment together and I had noticed that the 2nd swarm I caught, hive looked very quiet, so I suited up and checked and sure enough, they had left! Guess they weren’t happy at Comfrey Cottages! lol! Worked out fine though, as I just hived this one in their box. Hopefully they will like it here. The first swarm is still industrious and seems quite settled, and Eric says the third swarm we hived seems happy at his house. Gotta run now. Someone called about another swarm while I was creating this post!Herbal and Honey Hugs to all who visit Comfrey Cottages xxx
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