
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Gathering and Preparing Flower Essences

Preparing and preserving your flower essence 

If you have found your way here before reading about flower essences first, click here ➨ Flower Essences to learn what they are and how they work for healing.

What I have learned from working with flower essences and clients over the years is that given the opportunity, the flower can and will seek one out for a particular healing. It's all in learning how to tap into your intuition. That is where the communication takes place.

I've also learned that one particular flower may heal another person in a completely different way. It isn't like a one size fits all. It is truly amazing. 💓

When it comes to finding your flower, or the flower finding you, find yourself a quite place to relax. Take a few deep breaths and think about what part of you is in need of healing. Allow any thoughts or any memories to flow in.. then ask, what flower can I use for my healing. Let it go from there. It may take a day or two but you will get the message. Just remember to be open to receiving.           

Supplies needed: 

2 glass amber bottles with dropper lids
1 glass jar with lid
1 glass bowl
spring water
vodka or brandy
fresh flowers 
loving intentions 

Once you know the flower you are wanting to use, carefully snip off the blossoms without touching with your fingers and allow them to fall into a glass bowl. Fill your bowl with spring water, bottled is fine to use. Tap water is okay to use if you do not have access to spring or bottled spring water. The reason we like to avoid tap is because of the chemicals used to treat public water. Then again, water from a plastic bottle isn't the greatest to use either. Sometimes we just have to use what is available to us and remember to send out good intentions before using. Okay, now, find a place to set your bowl in the sunshine. Be sure it's in a place where animals cannot get to it. There are different thoughts as to how long to leave the flowers infusing. Some go for 4 hours, others go for up to 10 hours. Just be open and follow your intuition.

When it's time to bring your bowl inside, strain or pick out the flowers. The water in the bowl, that is called the mother essence. Water, having the ability to retain a vibrational imprint, now holds within it the vibrational imprint of the flower.

There are 3 steps for preserving your mother essence.    

Step 1: We are going to preserve the mother essence. Fill your glass jar 50/50 with the essence water and your alcohol. Label mother essence and note what flower you used, the date and alcohol used.

Step 2: We are going to make what is called the stock bottle. Fill an amber bottle 50/50 spring water and alcohol. Add 4-7 drops of flower essence from your mother essence jar. Cap and shake well. Label with stock bottle, the flower you used, alcohol used and the date. 

Step 3: We are going to make what is called the dosage bottle. Add 1 tablespoon of alcohol into your second amber bottle. Fill the remainder with spring water, now add 2 drops from your stock bottle. Cap and shake well. Label with dosage bottle, flower and alcohol used and the date. This is the bottle you will use for healing. 

Be sure to store all the bottles in a cool dark place. 

 How to take your Flower Essence

Shake your dosage bottle to activate the energy of the flower before using. You can add 4 drops from your dosage bottle to 1/8 cup of water then drink. Or administer the drops under your tongue. You can do this 4 times a day for up to 3 weeks.  

It's a good idea to keep a journal while taking essences. Writing down the memories that come up, your thoughts and emotions you're feeling, those are all very important in the healing process. Also, keep a record of what particular flower essence you are using and the date you started taking it. The more detailed you are in your writings the more helpful that will be for you.

If you have any questions about using flower essences or would like to share your experiences, send a message though the contact form or message through Instagram. We would love hearing from you! If you're interested in purchasing flower essences, click here → Shop



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