
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Kaffir Lime Leaves for medicinal treatment

Kaffir Lime tree, that grows up to 12 meters in height and grows into a tree. Orbital thorns are seen in the young shoots. The broad ovate or oblong ovate leaves are apical or slightly acuminate at the apex and rounded at the base. Sheet 8 cm long and 3 cm long. About 6 in. wide.Flowers 1-5 in axillary inflorescence.
White, cream or light pink flowers smell amazing. The green fruit of Kaffir lime medicinal plant is flat spherical or elliptical. The irregularly formed glands of bumps and sclerotic filaments are located. and a small bump is found where the projectile is attached. Within the fruit are several white ovate seeds. The exotic Kaffir Lime, also known as the Gada lime, Citrus hystrix, is a species of Rutaceae.

Kaffir Lime Leaves for medicinal treatment

The medicinal value of Kaffir lime as well as the ginger lime, which can be used to flavor curries, sambols and salads, is very high. Kaffir Lime leaves and nuts are used in the treatment of various ailments such as diarrhea, nausea, nausea, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, gastrointestinal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and gastrointestinal diseases

It is said that the saffron leaves, radial leaves, the juice of the leaves are rubbed with salt and cinnamon cures it and cures it. Peppermint leaves, ginger and lime leaves are boiled in hot ashes to cure body aches. Gada Lime, Vel Penella, Ulahaul, Boiled in the stem is a treatment for stretching the lame joints.

Kaffir Lime leaves are a popular flavor and aroma of Thai soup. The villagers of Sri Lanka have used Kaffir Lime for the juice of this fruit for a very long time. Boiling the nuts and shaking them thoroughly will help cure the nausea. It is said that the essential oils extracted from the bark of these nuts are used in beauty products.

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