
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Indigo blue medicinal plants, Nil Awariya (Indigofera tinctoria)

Indigo blue (Indigofera tinctoria) also known as ''Nil awariya'' is a small native plant that grows up to 2m tall. Sometimes seen as a bush. The young parts of the plant are covered with a white owl. Asynchronous compact sheets linear and leaflets linear The upper surface of the leaflets is bright green.
The subterranean silver is with a delicate owl The pink flowers in an orbital inflorescence are beautiful. A bunch of bisexual flowers petals in a cluster. The fruit is either straight or slightly curved. In the panicle form 8-12 seeds. Because of its blue pigment: the most popular blue aria plant belongs to the genus Fabaceae.

Indigo blue uses the entire herb to treat ailments, bloating, urine, kidney stones, mites, snake poisoning, Mumps, biting crazy dogs, premature hair Ices, skin disease, and eye disease. The Indigo blue plant has many properties such as urinating, poisoning, soreness, rashes, hair growth. Blue oil is a well-known medicinal oil that is known to cure headaches as well as red rashes. The Indigo blue plant is listed as a herbal remedy.

In the cage of respiratory system diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, and inflammation, the Indigo blue plants are used to drink with fresh cow milk. Brushing your teeth with an Indigo blue stem stick helps cure tooth infection. In kidney disease, applying the chopped leaf mixture as a lining to the stomach can facilitate urination. The Indigo blue medicinal plant leaves chopped with water and applies to alleviate gastric, ulcers. For red rashes, the leaves should be washed with boiled water and chopped and coated. For the snake bite, the roots of the Indigo blue medicinal plant grind with rice and apply biting location, and its help to reduce pain. The blue-eyed, False daisy, turmeric, and curd rice combine to stop premature hair fall.

Due to the dark blue color of the oil, the Indigo blue medicinal plants are used as a color scheme. It has also been used as a natural pigment in the paintings of temples.

Let's see more about Indigo Plants:

Introduction to common indigo plants

Indigo is an ancient plant dye. There are many plants that can extract this dye. Common ones include wood blue, horse blue, indigo blue, and isatis. At present, various bluegrass has different names in different regions, and sometimes the same name appears in different regions to refer to two different bluegrass, which will cause many blue dye lovers to misunderstand and confuse. Therefore, we added the official foreign literary name to distinguish them.

Wood blue (Sophora blue indigo plant)

Wood blue is also called Sophora blue. There are many varieties of wood blue that contain indigo. The important ones are:

Indigofera tinctoria (Indigofera tinctoria)

Indigofera tinctoria (Indigofera tinctoria), India's main indigo plant species, has exported a large number of indigo products processed by it, so it is also called "true indigo true indigo" abroad. Except for India, it is widely distributed in Asia, Africa, and North America.

Indigofera suffruticosa ( Indigofera suffruticosa )

Indigofera suffruticosa ( Indigofera suffruticosa ), mainly distributed in Asia and Latin America. Used as the main indigo plant in Southeast Asia. It is more common in Fujian Province in China.

Indigofera arrecta

Indigofera arrecta, mainly distributed in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Lonchocarpus cyanescens (Lonchocarpus cyanescens), mainly distributed in West Africa, is the plant used by Yoruba people to make indigo.


The root of Isatis tinctoria (Isatis tinctoria) is what we often call North Banlangen. If you want to subdivide the isatis, although it is divided into different varieties, the appearance is not much different, so I won't go into details. Isatis is very easy to survive and hardy, so it is distributed in most parts of the world. It used to be an important indigo plant in Europe. Many indigo produced in northern China is from Isatis indica.


Persicaria tinctoria is mainly distributed in East Asia. The blue leaves of Polygonum in the Liangshan area of ​​Sichuan are slightly round and dark in color. Other areas are mostly oblong. Polygonum was once the main indigo plant in East China. It was introduced to Japan around the 6th century AD and is the raw material plant of Awa blue in Japan. For various reasons, Polygonum indica almost disappeared in East China. In recent years, through the efforts of some people of insight in the traditional dyeing industry, it has been successfully regenerated in many places.

Ma Lan

The root of Strobilanthes cusia is South Isatis root. Malan is mainly distributed in Asia. It is the main indigo plant in southwestern China and is also commonly found in Taiwan Province. In addition to China, it is also distributed in India, Japan and other countries.

In addition to the indigo plants introduced above, there are other plants that can extract indigo, and we will gradually follow-up.

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