
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oregano is not just for the rustic salad

There is no Greek and Italian - and not only - who does not recognize its characteristic smell and taste. After all, oregano as it is very common (as its name Origanum vulgare says - Oregano is common) has tasted and accompanied many of our dishes. But apart from the common, that is, it is very tasty, very fragrant and also has many beneficial properties, according to experts. Indeed, oregano as a spice and its beneficial medicinal properties have been known since antiquity and through tradition have reached even today. 

We may have seen grandmothers recommend oregano drinks when we are tired of diarrhea or remember the thin branches of the plant that were recruited - instead of earrings - to keep the holes in the little girls' eyes open and free of germs. So let's get to know this aromatic herb that is so common in our country.

Her identity

Oregano is a perennial plant, up to 80 cm high and has a characteristic, pleasant and pungent odor. He is a native of the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Very common in our country, oregano in Greece is considered one of the best in the world in terms of quality. In recent years, as its consumption has increased, both in countries where it is not native to the United States, such as the US, and because it is difficult to collect and requires a lot of labor, it is often an organized crop. The oregano shoot is upright, square and multicolored. Its leaves are dark green in color. Its flowers are pink in color and are found in dense inflorescences. We find oregano in clusters of shrubs, hills, limestone soils and generally in dry and stony areas. Its collection usually begins in July after the feast of St. John of Reagan or Clidonas (June 24) and is usually done early in the morning or late at night, but be careful not to uproot the perennial plant. It is then tied in bundles and dried, hanging upside down in a dry, dark place.

The oregano properties

The oregano, from which we use the flowers and leaves, is a plant both aromatic and medicinal. It is considered tonic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, diuretic, laxative, antitussive, expectorant and antiseptic.

How it is used

Oregano can be used both internally and externally.

Indoor use

  • Oregano inhalations help with respiratory diseases (thanks to its expectorant and antitussive action).
  • Oregano decoction (in a pot boil a cup of water with a teaspoon, strain it and drink it) has several properties and applications. It is used to soothe cough, it helps to treat diarrhea and is thought to reduce tooth pain.

External use

  • With regard to external use we should be aware that oregano can help with the antisepsis of injured skin. Also, the oregano decoction in the bath soothes and tones the skin.
  • However, in addition to the oregano use in our kitchen or as an alternative herb, oregano is also used by industry. Its essential oil is used both in perfumery and in the manufacture of soaps and toothpaste and in the treatment of plant diseases.

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