Traditional Medicinal Plants To Treat Kidney Disorders usually done to cope with impaired renal function, by nature, traditional medicinal plants can be selected as a treatment option. Some traditional medicinal plants that berhasiat overcome impaired renal function among others, tapak liman(Elephantophus scraber LI), pegagan(Centella asiatica), sambiloto(Anrographis Paniculata [Burm. f. Nees] and mengkudu(Morinda tinctoria; Morinda citrifolia). The medicinal plants have several functions in dealing with impaired renal function such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, antitoksik, launched urine and also as a sedative.
Kidney is one organ that is important, so important that failure of kidney function can lead to impaired function of excretion until the fatal thing as death. However, various ways can be done to prevent the occurrence of kidney damage, such as maintaining a healthy diet and avoid medications that can damage the kidneys.
Humans have two kidneys, left and right. Located on the back of the abdomen dindig approximately waist-high, on the left and right bones around 140 grams each. Kidney bean shape as it is called hillium with the side facing the spine. Outer side convex. Renal blood vessels all vessels in and out on hillium.
Here is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat renal dysfunction
Traditional Medicinal Plants Pegagan(Centella asiatica)

Cool sweet nature.
Properties relating to cope with kidney disorders are:
* Nature such as tonic,
* Anti-infective,
* Anti-toxic,
*Launched urine (mild diuretic),
* Cleaning the blood,
* Reliever fever (antipyretic),
* Tranquilizers (sedatives),
* Millenrian accelerate wound healing and peripheral blood vessels (peripheral vasodilator)
Centella asiatica contains asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, brahmoside, Brahmin side, brahmic acid, madasiatic ACIS, hydrocotyline, mesoinositol, centellose, carotenoids. Mineral salts (such as salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron), a bitter substance vellarine and tannic substances.
Traditional Medicinal Plants Tapak Liman (Elephantophus scraber LI)

It's a bit bitter and spicy. Are as astrigen and cool.
Properties relating to cope with kidney disorders are:
* As a reliever fever (anti piretik)
* Antibiotics,
* Anti-inflammatory,
* Launched urine (mild diuretic),
* Eliminate swelling,
* Antidote to poison (detoksisan).
The leaves contain elephantopin liman footprint, deoxy-elephantopin, isodeoxy-elephant pin, 11-13 dihydro-dioxy-elephant pin, elephantin, epifriedelinol, stigma sterol, draconian 1-ol, lupeol, lupeol acetat.
Flowers: flavoinoda lute Olin 7, glucosidal.
Roots: epiprielinol, lupeol, stigmasterin.
Traditional Medicinal Plants Pace / Megkudu (Morinda tinctoria; Morinda citrifolia)

Bunch of properties related to renal disorders are:
* As a laxative urine,
* Lower blood pressure,
* Inflammation of the kidneys,
* Lowered blood sugar in diabetics (hypoglycemic effect).
Noni contains chemical compounds such as anthraquinone, morindin, malic acid, citric acid, glucose, saponins, alkaloids, serotonin, acubin, demnacanthal, anthraquinone, L.asperuloside, alizarin, terpenoids, scopoletin, vitamin C, anti-oxidants, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates , enzymes and alkaloids.