
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nakey Trees

My little man, Dylan, has started Little Learners preschool program, which lasts 2 1/2 each morning during the week. We are getting in to quite the ritual of going to the woods near his school, when I pick him up. Luckily, we never get lost as he carries his compass with him and consults it often


He likes to also carry his whistle, and walkie talkie headset, just in case you know

We find all sorts of interesting things each time we take our woods walk. Walnuts full of worms, hedgeballs and buckeyes….

We like to pack a picnic and sit and enjoy the peace and quiet of the leaves drifting down all around us making a blanket for us to sit on

Sometimes Dylan’s doggie Zoey gets to come with us!

As we were watching the leaves the other day, Dylan looked at a tree quite bare of leaves, got an impish look on his face, and declared “Nakey trees!”:) I love the way he is being able to identify some of the leaves these days. And he asks constantly for the names of ones he doesn’t know. I got a real thrill the other day when he found a white aster, and looked at me as if to answer his own question when he said/asked, “this isn’t chickweed is it Grandma?” No sweetheart, that is an aster:) You see Dylan has his own chickweed garden at home and he loves to happily munch it all the time

With Dylan starting school I have come to realize that there will be a lot more of this from now on…he leading me to follow

These are the same woods Eric and I recently found Black Trumpet mushrooms for the first time! We actually found quite a few different sorts that day


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