It is said that it's best to harvest echinacea roots when the plant is over 3 years old as the medicine is stronger. I feel too that whenever she is calling out to you to make medicine, that is the perfect time to harvest. If you practice listening to the plants, they will communicate to you in their own way. Really is amazing. 🥰
These roots here are from 4 year old plants. This is the first year I have been called to harvest the roots from them. This was also the first year this particular patch of echinacea had doubled in size and was covered with the most magnificent purple blossoms I had ever seen. No doubt this is going to be some really good medicine this year.
This beauty carries within her roots strong medicinal properties;
Anti-inflammatory ~ works by reducing chronic inflammation within the body. Chronic inflammation can create disease and illnesses such as;
heart disease
kidney disease
autoimmune disease
inflammatory bowel
Antiviral - Inhibits the development of a virus. Gives your immune system a boost which helps your body to fight off and shorten the duration of a virus and also reduces the severity of symptoms.
Sialgogue ~ increasing saliva production thus improving digestion. Go ahead and chew on a small piece of root for a few minutes to experience this. Your mouth and tongue will begin to tingle right before it produces a mouthful of saliva. Tasting the plants is an important part of developing that connection with them. That connection is an important part of medicine making. 💓
For instructions on making tinctures click here → Herbal Preparations
There may be some risk in using for those with auto immune disease and liver issues. So be sure to check into that if you’re considering using. 👌