
Monday, October 19, 2020

The valuable benefits of turmeric in health

The valuable benefits of turmeric in health
Recent years have shown that nature can be a source of natural elixirs for our health. Plants that grow freely in the nature contain ingredients that can help us prevent, but also many times, many health problems. The  turmeric  So is one of them.

The  turmeric , also known as turmeric, is a root plant that originates inside the earth. It has a brown peel which, when opened, reveals a bright yellow-orange flesh inside. It has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years, mainly in the tropical regions of Asia, while in the 13th century Arab traders brought turmeric to the western countries.

Turmeric in cooking

It is mainly used as a spice, which has a bright orange-yellow color, a distinctive aroma and plays a leading role in Asian cuisine. It is famous for cooking, as it is an essential ingredient for the well-known curry. Although not common in Greek cuisine, it fits well with legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, but also with rice and boiled potatoes. You can also try it on boiled or roasted fish as the Asians are used to.

Medication for the joints

But beyond its culinary use for many years, turmeric has attracted the interest of scientists as it appears to contain ingredients that have beneficial effects on the  health  of the body and contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases. Special mention is made by scientists of using it to relieve and treat joint problems.

In the laboratories of the world

Turmeric contains small amounts of essential metals and trace elements, such as manganese, iron and potassium. However, research interest has focused on a class of bioactive compounds available, called curcumin. Of these the most important and most important to our health is curcumin, a polyphenol which has been the subject of great research interest in recent years. Already in the middle of the last century curcumin became known as an antibacterial agent, as the first studies investigating its biological activity showed that it suppressed the growth of various strains of pathogenic bacteria. Since then, numerous laboratory studies in cells or animals, and clinical trials have examined the potential benefits for  healthThus, there is evidence that curcumin may act as a protective against the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, skin problems, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and degenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or Al - sclerosis.

Relieves pain

However, research interest today is largely focused on the effect of curcumin in the treatment of inflammation and the pain it causes. Curcumin therefore appears to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, which may help protect the body against diseases and conditions associated with oxidative stress and acute or chronic inflammation. This anti-inflammatory action is one of the best documented properties of curcumin. Curcumin administration has been associated with improved symptoms and mobility in patients with osteoarthritis, reduced use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and associated gastrointestinal disturbances, and similar results have been reported in clinical studies involving patients.

All of the above points to the view that curcumin is really a natural medicine for our health. What is important to note, however, is that the amount of curcumin supplied by turmeric, as we use it in cooking, is small enough to have the "therapeutic" effect shown by scientific research. For this reason, this active ingredient is often administered in supplement form today.
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