
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Tuber fleece flower plant can clear cholesterol/ Polygonum multiflorum

Polygonum multiflorum is a very common traditional Chinese medicine. I believe that everyone is familiar with this drug. It has a variety of effects, which can help us alleviate constipation. It can also lower the body's cholesterol content. How to eat Polygonum multiflorum in life. There are many, the effects are different, but what are the taboos for eating Polygonum multiflorum ? There will be a detailed introduction below.

  The effect of Polygonum

  First: treatment of intestinal dry constipation

  In normal times, proper eating of Polygonum multiflorum can help us alleviate constipation. We must know that people are suffering from constipation mainly because of constipation caused by intestinal dryness. Then we can soak the shampoo at this time. Drinking water can be very effective, and generally it will improve after a few days.

Second: promote hair black and beautiful

  Many people should not know, in fact, Polygonum multiflorum can help us Ufa, and many doctors tell us that the effect of Polygonum multiflorum is better, especially for the treatment of juvenile whiteheads. If we have a few whiteheads in our lives, we can relieve the symptoms by shampooing the right amount of Polygonum multiflorum and fresh raw land every day.

Third: lower serum cholesterol

  Older people can use Heshouwu soaked in water in normal times, which is good for the body. The greater effect is to lower the body's serum cholesterol. This can help us prevent a variety of diseases, especially to effectively keep the body away from atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Fourth: treatment of elderly people with habitual constipation and hemorrhoids blood in the stool

  Modern medicine also found that Polygonum multiflorum contains substances similar to mites, which have a certain diarrhea effect, and his effect is very similar to the laxative rhubarb, but it is more moderate than rhubarb. If the elderly have a habitual constipation, they can often take the water in the water to promote their health. In addition, if the body has problems with hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, taking Polygonum has a good effect.

Fifth: treatment of tuberculosis

  Some substances contained in Polygonum multiflorum have the effect of inhibiting human tuberculosis, so it has a certain effect on the treatment of tuberculosis and cervical lymphatic tuberculosis. Some media have reported that if it is a tuberculosis patient, you can decoction the Polygonum multiflorum, medlar and Schisandra together, which can improve your body and speed up the recovery of diseases in your body.

Sixth: nourishing liver and kidney, softening blood vessels

  Polygonum has a good nourishing effect on liver and kidney and supplementing blood, and has a good nourishing effect. If you have a loss of yin and blood and unhealthy liver and kidney in your daily life, you can drink it directly with water, or take it with other herbs to promote your health.

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