
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Astragalus protects blood vessels

Astragalus protects blood vessels. Astragalus is a very common Chinese medicine. It can be seen in many medicines. Astragalus itself has a lot of effects. It can play an anti-aging effect and protect the cardiovascular system. Astragalus eat there a lot, the effectiveness of each is different, eat Astragalus taboo What is it? The following will be described in detail.

Effects of Astragalus

  Anti-Aging. Astragalus has very good anti-aging effects. We must know that free radicals are constantly produced during the metabolism of the body, mainly our own metabolites. We should know that there is a substance of astragalus polysaccharide in astragalus that can help us improve our body. Immune function, increase the activity of superoxide gasase and glutathione peroxidase, can delay the aging of the body.

Astragalus is a very common Chinese medicine. It can be seen in many medicines. Astragalus itself has a lot of effects. It can play an anti-aging effect and protect the cardiovascular system. Astragalus eat there a lot, the effectiveness of each is different, eat Astragalus taboo What is it? The following will be described in detail.

  Effects of Astragalus

  Anti-Aging. Astragalus has very good anti-aging effects. We must know that free radicals are constantly produced during the metabolism of the body, mainly our own metabolites. We should know that there is a substance of astragalus polysaccharide in astragalus that can help us improve our body. Immune function, increase the activity of superoxide gasase and glutathione peroxidase, can delay the aging of the body.

2.Astragalus Chicken Soup

  Raw materials: 10 grams of astragalus, 500 grams of chicken, 10 jujubes, 10 grams of lotus seeds, 5 grams of wolfberry.


  (1) Wash and chop the chicken, prepare the herbs, and peel the ginger.

  (2) Put chicken noodles in a cold water pot, put in white wine and water, rinse and rinse again.

  (3) Put chicken nuggets, astragalus and lotus seeds in a pressure cooker, and pour in water for one hour.
      (4) Turn the casserole, add red dates and cook for 20 minutes, then add wolfberry for 10 minutes, and then add peanut oil.

  3.Astragalus angelica tea

  Materials: 30 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of angelica and red date.


  (1) Wash astragalus root, angelica root and jujube, add an appropriate amount of water, cook for 40 minutes, and take the juice.

  (2) Add the appropriate amount of medicine residue, cook for 30 minutes, take the juice, and combine the juice.

  4. Astragalus stewed pork ribs

  Ingredients: 500 grams of pork ribs, 50 grams of soybeans, 10 jujubes, 20 grams of astragalus, 20 grams of grass, and ginger and salt.

  Manufacturing method

  (1) Wash pork ribs and chop them into pieces; wash soy beans, jujube and ginger; wash astragalus and turfgrass and wrap them with gauze to make medicine bags.

  (2) Add water to the pot, boil over medium heat, add pork ribs, soybeans, jujube, ginger, and sachets, cook over low heat for 2 hours, remove the sachets and season with salt.

Contraindications of Astragalus

  1. Cannot be taken with South Almond. If you take it with South Almond, the user may experience physical discomfort after taking it.

  2. Do not take it with black ginseng. If you take it with black ginseng, because the functions of the two are the same, it may hurt your body after taking it.

  3. Cannot be taken with almonds. The reason is the same as that of almonds. After taking it, you may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, users must avoid touching almonds when eating astragalus.

  Conclusion: The efficacy of Astragalus has been introduced above . We should now have some understanding of Astragalus. It is a very common Chinese medicine. Eating properly can help us improve our physical fitness and prevent a variety of diseases. Know its taboos when eating.

Astragalus protects blood vessels.

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