
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The efficacy of lily and protect the gastric mucosa

The efficacy of lily and protect the gastric mucosa

The efficacy of lily and protect the gastric mucosa. I believe everyone is no stranger to lily. It is a kind of Chinese medicine and is also used as food by people. Lily has a lot of effects. In our body, it can be beauty, but also prevent cancer. About Lily eat there are many, each of which effects are different, we know that Lily taboos What is it? The following will be described in detail.

  Benefits of Lily

1. Peace of mind

  The nutrients contained in lily can be said to be very rich. It contains substances that can effectively improve the mood of depression, insomnia, dreams, and excess heat. If we feel that our sleep is not good, we can eat lilies, mainly because the lilies are slightly cold, and they have a good effect of removing troubles and clearing the heart.

2. Beauty

  Female friends who love beauty can eat more lily. Lily contains vitamins needed by the human body. These substances enter our body and can effectively promote the metabolism of the body. And the substances contained in it can help skin cells to regenerate. It ’s good to eat more lily Beauty effect.

3.Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

  Lily can effectively prevent the emergence of cancer. We must know that lily can not only improve the body's immunity. It contains substances that can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and alleviate the side effects after chemoradiation. It is more suitable for the prognosis of cancer patients. Because lily contains active alkaloids, it is mainly this component that inhibits cancer cell proliferation.

4.Protect gastric mucosa

  Lily is also a traditional Chinese medicine that protects the gastric mucosa when treating gastric diseases in Chinese medicine. Because lily contains phospholipids and pectin, they can treat gastric diseases and protect gastric mucosa from gastric acid.


  Most of the nutrients contained in the lily are substances that improve immunity, such as vitamins and minerals. They can not only promote metabolic levels, but also enhance hypoxia capacity, eliminate harmful substances, delay aging, and fight fatigue.

How to eat lily

Vegetarian Fried Celery Lily

Materials: 200 grams of celery, 90 grams of lily, 40 grams of ginkgo, and more than 10 medlars. (I make 2 servings)

  How to fry celery and lily

  1. Prepare all materials.

  2. Remove the rotten old clothes from the outer layer of the lily.

       3. Peel off the lily, don't leave the yellow heart in the middle.

  4. Soak the ginkgo in hot water for 2 minutes.

  5. Peel off your clothes and clean them.

  6. Use a vegetable planer to planer a layer of coat from the surface of celery.

  7. Slightly cut off at the root, you can see the thick wires attached.

  8. Gently pull down, it will take away the thick wire. If you accidentally break it, repeat it.

  9. After the thick wire is cleaned, the surface of celery is textured.

  10. Cut into oblique knife shape.

       11. Take a piece of garlic and cut into thin slices for later use.

  12, soak wolfberry in water, just a few minutes.

Taboo of lily

  Consumption of wind and cold, cough, debilitating and bleeding, and poor spleen and stomach should not be eaten, and experiments on rats and dogs have found that long-term / high-dose consumption can cause lung and kidney damage and affect white blood cells and platelets. Lily is also toxic, so it is recommended to consult a physician before use. Direct contact with raw bulbs may cause itching of the skin, and swallowing raw bulbs may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

  When eating Lily, you should pay attention to whether your constitution is suitable for it, and whether it consumes it will have physical conflicts, such as cold and cough, and cold and bleeding.

  People with bad spleen and stomach should not eat lily, but also pay attention to the appropriate amount, otherwise it will cause lung and kidney damage.

  Conclusion: The effectiveness of lily has been introduced above. We should have some understanding of lily now. It can be said to be a common Chinese medicine. It can effectively treat many diseases in our body and improve our Constitution, but to eat lily to know its taboos.

The efficacy of lily and protect the gastric mucosa

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