
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Rose Petal Vinegar

This stuff is easy to make and so good to have in one's medicine cabinet.

Just fill a glass jar about 3/4 of the way with fresh or dried rose petals. Then fill to the top with apple cider vinegar. Place a plastic lid on and give it a good shake. I would not recommend using a metal lid as the vinegar will corrode the metal and ruin your finished product. Place your jar in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks, giving it a shake every now and then. Strain and your ready to go. Be sure to keep it stored in a cool dark place.  

Before using dilute 1 part vinegar to 7 parts water. The vinegar works by pulling heat away from an inflamed area of the body - such as a cloth soaked in vinegar and then wrapped around a sprained ankle, or a cloth placed on your forehead for headaches. Also works awesome for sunburns too! You can keep re-soaking your cloth and re-applying several times as the cloth gets warm. 

You can also use for a hair rinse by diluting 1-2 tablespoons of rose petal vinegar in one cup of water. After shampooing pour this over your hair and massage through then rinse with cool water. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps remove the buildup from shampoos, conditioners and other products we may use and leaves your hair soft and shiny. You may have to use the rinse several times before noticing a difference. 

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