
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Nettle - Do you think it is a weed plant...?

Dioecious beetles are among the known medicinal plants. On the other hand, however, many people consider it to be weed and some too "ordinary". This is a mistake, because the nettles contain a number of interesting natural substances and have a versatile use.

Although we all know the nettle, it will not hurt to get closer to the beginning. The nettle, the Urtica dioica, belongs to the family of the nettle (Urticaceae).

It is a perennial plant that can grow up to 150 centimeters in height. Petiolate serrate leaves have a cordate base. The stalks and the leaves are just the famous hazel hairs (they are expertly called trichomes), through which the nettles can torture us a lot. These stubborn hairs contain a mixture of three substances - histamine for skin irritation, acetylcholine to cause burning sensation and serotonin to increase the effects of the two previous substances. Nettle flowers are unobtrusive and green in color. Nettle fruit is small.

Despite your ability to burn you thoroughly on unprotected skin, if you are not careful, the nettle nettle has become a very popular helper in natural healing.

As a curative drug, nits, leaves and root are processed from nettle (in the pharmacopoeias are included as a medicinal drug its leaves). They contain a number of important natural substances. In freshly harvested nations, histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, formic acid and leukotrienes can be found. The first three substances were already mentioned. Formic acid is hot and has a slightly corrosive effect, as we can see through burning. They serve nettles to protect against unwanted intruders. Leukotrienes promote anti-inflammatory processes. We can find flavonoids, silica, silicates as well as high potassium and nitrate levels throughout the nation. In the nettle root steroids (beta sitosterol and others), lectins, hydroxycoumarins, polysaccharides, lignans and other substances are included. Among other natural substances which are in common nettle occur can still be an overall list of add vitamins ( C , A , B2 or riboflavin, and also B or pyridoxine), minerals ( iron , calcium , etc.), carotenoids (lutein, β - carotene, lycopene and zeaxanthin), mucilages and other substances. At the "ordinary" nettle quite a long list ...

What is all these natural substances in the nettle good for?

The extract from its root is a suitable supplement for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia . We can be with her, so list as one ingredient for the dietary supplements recommended for this disease. Also, nipple is an important addition to the treatment of urinary tract diseases , kidney and gall bladder stones, and rheumatism. In folk healing, nettle was used for swelling, day and hair loss. It is also recommended by some sources as a complement to treatment for diabetes and liver disease. The contained beta carotene promotes pigmentation of the skin when exposed to sunlight.

The hoof is also used in natural cosmetics (especially in shampoos). Here, her healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect is applied. It is suitable for the treatment of minor frostbites, abrasions or scalds.

They work in shampoos because they act against hair loss, strengthens and prevents them from over-drying. It suppresses the scalp and dandruff. Gives shine to dark hair and bright hair darkens. The hair is dense and cheerful. The nettles cleanse and regenerate the skin. Someone may be more sensitive and irritable.

However, the use of the plant does not end. its leaves are also very useful in the kitchen. It must, however, be crushed and cooked to destroy their stubbornness. Traditionally they are used in spring morsels and soups.

Remarkable is the use of this unobtrusive herb. Its fibers were used during World War I in the absence of raw materials for the fabrication of fabrics. At present, some growers return to this use and start to breed special fiber varieties for processing in the textile industry.

But when should nets not be used? Generally, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Nettle nets should not be used to hold urine in the body when the cause of this symptom is heart and kidney insufficiency. Side effects include stomach irritation, allergic reaction, or inflammation of the oral cavity and gums. It must not be combined with iron because it worsens its absorption. The substances contained in the nettle root do not cause, according to experts, any undesirable effects or interactions with drugs (i.e., affecting the effect of drugs).

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