There was something about this particular patch. I could feel a soft, delicate, very loving energy coming from them. Such a beautiful experience. 💕
I think back to my past years where I wished so much to not be an Empath. I was just so fed up with feeling all the different energies around me. At times it was so overwhelming.
Now that I have an understanding of how to not allow the energies to overload me, I know what a gift it truly is to be able to tap in and feel the energies, and if needed, how to use that energy for my well being. Any other Empaths out there that can relate? 🦋
Chicory has many medicinal benefits. From the root, stems and the flowers. Click here to read about the medicinal benefits. I left the plants where they were growing and gathered just enough of these beautiful blue blossoms to make a flower essence.
Blue represents the throat chakra, which is located in the neck and throat area. Many have found that chicory flower essence aides in clearing the internal blockages that holds one back from speaking their truth. Those who have difficulties with verbal communication. That can also go the other way as well, aiding those who have the tendency to have lack of control verbally, be verbally abusive, excessive gossiping, verbally domineering and demanding.
Of course with flower essences there is never a one size fits all with their healing. One particular flower may heal another person in a completely different way.
Given the opportunity, the flower can and will seek one out for a particular healing. It's all in learning how to tap into your intuition. That is where the communication takes place.
For more info on flower essences and how to make your own, click here → Flower essences