
Friday, May 22, 2020

Mullein ~ Verbascum thapsus

I went to this place not far from my house, and what did I see? At least 50 mullein plants growing in a field! They were all 
growing semi close to each other, and the way the sun was illuminating them all at the same time, wow. So beautiful. 

As I was walking among them I could feel such a strong energy. I mean, gosh, it was so intense I started to cry. It was a good cry though. It was a feeling of kinship. I know that may sound completely illogical to some of you reading this. All I can say is everything is made of energy and you can connect and feel that energy, especially with the plants. And it is amazing. 💓

Something that I thought of while standing next to them, they stand so tall and upright and strong. Those yellow flowers just stick out there so vividly. It made me think of the solar plexus chakra center. That's located about 2 inches above your belly button and below your rib cage. 

Yellow is the color that represents the solar plexus. That area represents standing in your own power, self confidence and overcoming fears. Standing tall, upright and strong, just like the plant.

Mullein flowers, leaves and roots can all be used. Also, the leaves are covered with tiny fine hairs. Be sure to strain any herbal preparation you make through cheesecloth or a coffee filter before using. Otherwise those tiny hairs may cause irritation in your ears, throat, bronchial and skin. 

* Flowers -  An infused oil made from the fresh yellow flowers is commonly used as ear drops to treat the pain and inflammation associated with earaches and ear infections. I have come across articles where herbalists site having success in using the oil in treating Meniere's disease. I too have had success in this area. 

I also found that a change in diet along with using the ear drops to be beneficial. I found that consuming high amounts of sodium, primarily from processed foods, to cause fluid retention in the ear thus adding to the onset of symptoms, especially the dizziness.  

Mullein also shares emotional and mental healing within her beautiful yellow flowers. Remember how I spoke of the color yellow representing the solar plexus, and how that area represents standing in your own power, self confidence and overcoming fears? Standing tall, upright and strong, just like the plant. A flower essence made from the flowers can assist in the inner healings for those purposes. Click here to learn more. → Flower essences

 * Leaves - expectorant, demulcent, anti-spasmodic, antitussive, astringent. Those 5 medicinal properties that come from mullein leaf are what make her so beneficial in the treatment of chest issues such as; colds, *all types of coughs, but especially for those deep dry coughs that make your chest and ribs hurt so bad; bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis and pneumonia. I find making a strong tea with the dried or fresh leaves at the very onset of a chest cold is all that is needed to clear it up fast. A tincture works well too, but I do find the tea goes to work faster.  

Another amazing healing from mullein leaf is for broken bones and rib fractures. I highly recommend you to do a google search on Matthew Wood, Medical Herbalist, mullein, broken bones. This link here, has some information. Also, Jim Mcdonald, Herbalist, has a write up → Jim Mcdonald

* Root - antispasmodic, sedative, vulnerary, lymphatic system. Used in capsule form or tincture the root shares with us healing abilities to tone and strengthen the bladder muscles, making it great in treating incontinence in both children and adults. 

A → tincture made from the roots or leaves works at cleansing the lymphatic system. As does a tea made with flowers and or leaves or aninfusion made with the leaves and or flowers.

There is so much more information out there on the healing benefits of mullein. Be sure to continue from here. You will be glad you did. 👍

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