
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Liquorice plant with medicinal value, effective herbs for body health

Licorice can be said to be a relatively common Herbal medicine. It can help us prevent a variety of diseases, such as resisting allergies, helping the body protect the liver, and also relieving cough and asthma. It has many effects. There are many ways to eat licorice in life. The efficacy of each is different, but we know what the taboos for eating licorice are ? Here is a detailed introduction.

  Medicinal value of licorice

  Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy

  Many people should not know, in fact, eating a little more licorice can help us to resist inflammation, and the anti-allergic effect of licorice can be said to be very good, licorice can protect the inflamed throat and tracheal mucosa. If we have inflammation or allergies in normal times, eating licorice can alleviate, licorice extract and glycyrrhizic acid have similar detoxification effects on gluconic acid to certain poisons.

Protecting the liver and nourishing the liver

  Appropriate eating of licorice in life can help people maintain the liver. We need to know that licorice contains active ingredients such as glycyrrhizic acid needed by the human body. This substance can prevent liver cells from being damaged by inhibiting complement, and can protect the liver after our body. Role, and by changing the membrane permeability to prevent the virus from entering the liver cells, to achieve antiviral effects.

  Protecting gastrointestinal health

  Friends with bad stomach can use licorice to maintain it. We need to know that licorice contains a substance similar to adrenocortical hormone. This substance has an inhibitory effect on histamine-induced excessive gastric acid secretion; it can help us to suppress the hyperacidity in the body, and eat licorice to have acid resistance and relieve gastrointestinal smooth muscle spasm.

  Antitussive effect

  The licorice flavonoids, licorice extract and glycyrrhetinic acid have obvious antitussive effect; the sputum effect is also significant, and its action intensity is glycyrrhizic acid > licorice flavonoids > licorice extract.

  Gan grass can enhance the efficacy of other prescription drugs

  This is related to the glycyrrhizic acid, licorice, and licorice in the licorice. For example, glycyrrhizic acid bismuth has synergistic effects in analgesia, antispasmodic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of gastric juice secretion and relaxation of smooth muscle.

  In addition to bad breath

  Drinking tea with lobular wheat and licorice, or containing a plum, green olive, hawthorn in your mouth, can also prevent bad breath.

  Joint pain

  Glycyrrhiza uralensis has the effect of replenishing qi and relieving pain. It has been found in the medication that some patients with joint pain have relieved pain after taking licorice. Therefore, people who suffer from pain and joint pain due to gastrointestinal discomfort can take licorice.

Heat-clearing and detoxifying effect of raw licorice

  Such as arsenic poisoning, lead poisoning, etc., people directly take raw licorice water for detoxificationNow, if rural people drink some mild pesticide water, they can take licorice and have a certain relief effect. If the poisoning is serious, you need to seek medical attention urgently. To eat poisoning caused by shrimp or crab, you can also take raw licorice hydrolyzed poison.

  Other effects

  In addition, modern for gastric and duodenal ulcers, often used with squid bone, corrugated. This product is also a diuretic effect, so it is often used as an auxiliary medicine for the treatment of hot dysuria.

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