
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Medicinal value of Cassia

Cassia is a precious Herbal medicine. I believe many people should have heard of it. It has a lot of effects, it can help us lower our blood pressure, and it also has the effect of losing weightThere are many ways to eat Cassia in life. The effects are different, but we should know that Cassia has some taboos for eating. Let's take a closer look.

The efficacy of Cassia


  Cassia is a very good medicine, it can be used in the treatment of ophthalmology, and its own name determines this feature. "Decision" has the meaning of opening and unblocking. The ruling is to break through the darkness and see the light again. We can smash the cassia seed and smash it with boiling water every morning on an empty stomach. "See the luminous light every day." It is compatible with drugs such as scorpion and can treat a variety of eye diseases.


  Many people should have constipation in their lives. Once constipation occurs, it will have a great impact on our body. At this time, drinking with Cassia soaked water can help us alleviate the symptoms of constipation. Before cassia seed soaked in water, it is better to fry it to yellowish. Fried Cassia is more conducive to the dissolution of active ingredients and can prevent diarrhea.

Diarrhea liver fire, Pingganyang

  Cassia has a strong diarrhea and liver fire effect, can cure liver fire or liver and yang headache dizziness, can be compatible with chrysanthemum, uncaria and so on.

Lowering blood pressure

  We need to know that Cassia can help us lower our blood pressure. We can rely on Mingzi (fried yellow) 20 ~ 30 grams, honeysuckle 10 ~ 15 grams, Hang Chrysanthemum 15 grams, and then drink with boiling water. One dose a day for long-term consumption. Some substances contained in Cassia can help us inhibit the effects of elevated serum cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaque formation.

lose weight

  Cassia soaked in water is a very effective way to lose weight. As long as you drink about 10 grams of cassia seed water every day, you can inhibit the synthesis of whole body fat, and also have a good decomposition effect on excess fat in the body. Insist on taking cassia seed tea to reduce the body's fat, not affecting diet and physical health, but also achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Prevention of hot cold

  If there is a hot cold. Appropriate mulberry leaves, bamboo leaves, and mint can be crushed. Put the water in the pot with the chrysanthemum or soak in the water with boiling water. It can prevent and treat the symptoms such as hot throat and wind-heat cold. At the same time, there is also the role of wind-dissolving the table, clearing heat and fluid.

Cassia's eating method

  Hawthorn Cassia tea practice

  Ingredients: 15 grams of hawthorn, 10 grams of cassia seed, 2 grams of green tea, a little rock sugar.
  Practice: add water to the pot, add hawthorn and cassia seed, boil over low heat and cook for 10 minutes; add green tea, continue to cook for 5 minutes to turn off the heat; add salted sugar to taste, then filter the tea residue with net sieve to drink .

  Chrysanthemum Cassia tea practice

  Materials: cassia, chrysanthemum, medlar.
Practice: Clean the cassia seed that was bought back. Pour the washed cassia seed into a hot pot and stir fry until the water evaporates, giving off a faint scent, and the sound can be turned off. Well, you can crush the fried cassia seed, which is better. After the chilling of the nectar, add the chrysanthemum, or put a few oysters together and brew with boiling boiled water. You can drink chrysanthemum, cassia seed, and scorpion for 15 minutes.

  The practice of lotus leaf cassia seed tea

  Materials: 10-15 grams of hawthorn, half of the lotus leaf, 10-15 grams of cassia seed.
Practice: Wash the hawthorn and slice it for use. Wash the lotus leaf and cut it for use. Wash the cassia seed, pour it into the hot pot and stir fry until the water evaporates, giving off a faint scent, and the sound can be turned off and the cold is ready for use. Put the hawthorn, lotus leaf and cassia seed into the pot together, and wait for the water to boil for 3-5 minutes to turn off the fire.

  The practice of Cassia Seed Tea

  Ingredients: 10 grams of cassia seed, 1 fat sea, 3 stevia leaves, 2 jade butterflies.
  Practice: warm the tea cup with boiling water, drain the water to increase the temperature of the tea set so that the temperature of the tea is relatively stable after brewing. Put cassia, fat sea, stevia leaves, and jade butterflies together in a cup. Pour boiling water into the cup and cover with a lid for 5 minutes to drink.

  The practice of rice cassia porridge

  Materials: 10 grams of cassia seed, 60 grams of rice, and a small amount of rock sugar.
  Practice: first fry the cassia seed to yellowish, take out the juice after cooling. Then, use the juice and rice to cook together, add the rock sugar after cooking, and serve.

  Cassia taboo

  1, pregnant women should not take, the lack of blood should not be taken.
  2, Cassia is slightly cold, people with relatively cold constitution, people who are prone to diarrhea and stomach pain should drink less.
  3, low blood pressure patients should not drink Cassia slimming tea, otherwise it may cause discomfort.
  4, a small number of people may cause allergic reactions, so sensitive friends are very cautious.
5, the body toxin accumulation in hot and humid areas, constipation obesity people should drink after dinner.
  6, patients with physical weakness, stool and other symptoms should not drink less.
  7, the elderly yin deficiency and blood less, you can add 9 grams of medlar, Hangbaiju, 5 grams of raw land together with foam, otherwise it is also unfavorable to the body.
  Conclusion: The above has already introduced the efficacy of Cassia, and we should have some understanding of Cassia now. It can be said to be a relatively common Chinese medicine, can help us prevent high blood pressure, can also reduce the emergence of constipation, and can help us lose weight, can be said to be a good drug, but we should also know its contraindications.

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