
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Elderberry Glycerite - Tea

At the time I wrote this post I had a doozy of a head cold and a sore throat from all that sinus drainage. This tea.. the sweetness from the berries, flowers and vegetable glycerin, really make this a delicious and soothing tea for colds and sore throats.💓

I made this particular glycerite with fresh elderberries, fresh blackberries and fresh elder flowers. If you don't have access to fresh berries and flowers, you can use dried or frozen berries or dried elder flowers. 

Okay, let's talk about the herbs I used for this delicious glycerite. I chose the elderberries, blackberries and elder flowers for their antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

Antiviral properties inhibit the development of a virus. Gives your immune system a boost which helps your body to fight off and shorten the duration of a virus and also reduces the severity of symptoms.  

Anti-inflammatory properties help with a sore inflamed throat and the sinus inflammation that comes with a head cold. Also reduces inflammation in the bronchial tubes, which leads to less coughing. 

Antioxidants work by protecting and repairing the cells from cellular damage - Damage caused from a poor diet, chemicals in our food, water, bath and beauty products. Air pollution, pesticides, smoking, mental stress, emotional stress, lack of sleep. All these factors contribute to the weakening of our inner cellular structure - resulting in illness and at times, disease. 

Elder flowers
Because this herbal preparation is concentrated, I only added 10 drops to a cup of hot water and sipped three times a day.    

 If you don't have your herbal glycerite prepared, you can still get the same medicinal benefits by making a tea with fresh or frozen berries and fresh or dried elder flowers.   😊

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